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Experience the leading 3D & AR platform

See why innovative companies and forward-looking developers
build best-in-class 3D & AR product experiences on Plattar.

Fill out the form to get full access to explore our powerful platform for 30 days – no strings attached.

Once your account is activated
you’ll be able to:

  • Experience the drag-and-drop, no-code experience builder
  • Access all features for 3D viewers, configurators, Try-On
  • Create interactive experiences in 3D and AR
  • Build custom solutions using the Plattar script editor
  • Publish your 3D and AR scenes on staging websites
  • Access chat support and our repository of help articles


Explore our Knowledge Base, find Release Notes, Developer Documentation, and get access to our open repo on Github.

Custom Pilot

We help company leaders build a custom pilot for a specific product, showcase the possibilities and gain stakeholder buy-in.

Get a Demo

Experience the Plattar platform in action. Let us show you how easy and fast it is to build 3D/AR product experiences on Plattar

Plattar Blog

Read about market insights, technology trends, product updates and tips on 3D content, best-practise in AR and more.